Tag: photoshop script

Time Slice by Warren Chrismas

Time Slice Photography – Free Script/Software for Photoshop

What is Time Slice Photography? Check out some cool examples below Some more examples on google here and here. Thus, Time Slice Photography is basically taking pictures of the same place, at different times of the day. Once we have all the pictures taken, select the best of the lot, maybe do some color correction, and then create slices such that we get 1 full image made up of various...
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Photoshop Script: Sketchy

Hey guys, So today it will be a quick utility to create sketch from images. Lets start by viewing some examples. Amazing isnt it? Yes, we know it is :) . So lets see how we can do this. First of all you need to download and install the Photoshop Script. How to Install: Download the ZIP file by clicking here. (~3kb) Extract to a temp location Copy two files "TS Sketchy.js" and...
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Photoshop Script - convert image to texty-image by using this free script

Photoshop Script: Convert to TextyImage

Hey guys, We are back with one more free script to add to our collection of Photoshop Scripts. This time, it's a script to convert an image to an 'text' like image. Well we cant find any way to describe it and so its better we show you some samples first. Check out the slideshow below. As you can see, the image is split ted into 3 different zones and text applied to each. Thus creating the...
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Insert Current Filename (Photoshop Script)

Insert Current Filename (Photoshop Script)

Hey guys, we have just created a small utility/tool/photoshop-script which will come in handy to you guys. Its called Insert Current Filename. Its a Photoshop Script that basically inserts current file-name into a new layer (top of the heap) of the current file. So if you ever need a script, which on click of a button would add your filename into a text layer within the psd file, this script...
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Photoshop Script Batch Photoframes

Photoshop Script: Batch Photoframes Creation

Have you ever created multiple photo-frame in Photoshop? or water-marked multiple images om Photoshop? Ever wondered if there was a script which would take all files form an IN folder and batch process them and create photo-frames files in the OUT folder? We have created just what as a Photoshop script that batch create photo-frames using all the files dumped in the 'IN' folder and export them...
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