Insert Current Filename (Photoshop Script)

Insert Current Filename (Photoshop Script)

Hey guys, we have just created a small utility/tool/photoshop-script which will come in handy to you guys. Its called Insert Current Filename.

Its a Photoshop Script that basically inserts current file-name into a new layer (top of the heap) of the current file. So if you ever need a script, which on click of a button would add your filename into a text layer within the psd file, this script will be handy for you.

How to Install “Insert Current Filename”:

  1. Download the ZIP file by clicking here. (~4kb)
  2. Extract to a temp location
  3. Copy two files “TS Insert FileName.jsx” and “TS-insert-filename.html”  to “Adobe Photoshop CS#/Presets/Scripts/” folder
    1. This step will need Admin privileges
    2. *** Make sure to copy both files as mentioned above. ***

How to Run this photoshop script:

  1. Restart Photoshop
    – file -> script should now have an new option of “TS Insert FileName”
  2. Open any image file
  3. Run file -> scripts -> “TS Insert FileName”
  4. A setting popup appear
    1. select the font size of the text you prefer
    2. Decide if you want to include the file path?
    3. Decide if you want to include the file extension?
  5. Click Insert.

Insert Current Filename script tested in:

1. Windows/Photoshop CS5

It would be great if you guys can give me your feedback on the script, like your PS version, did it work or had any issue, etc.

22 thoughts on “Insert Current Filename (Photoshop Script)

  1. Hello
    I downloaded this script. Thank You. I want to exclude the file path and the file extension. Can I automate this phase also?

    1. You need to edit the adobe script file…

      Open it with Notepad and change
      “incPath: Checkbox { text:’Include Path’, value: true }” to value:false
      “incExt: Checkbox { text:’Include Extension’, value: true}” to value: false.

      I hope it helps somehow (that way when on Action you will only need to press ‘Enter’ and you will get the FileName without the path or extension.

      1. Thanks! How can I skip steps Tick box, choose font size, press button.
        I exactly want to 1 click script then Text has added in to image. Please help!


    1. Hi, Thanks for your message.
      This Script adds only the filename, you will need a custom solution for your case.
      This script will work fine for CS6 onwards. CS3 is too old, consider upgrading your version.

  3. Anil, would you modify the script for a PayPal donation? Example, add a white background to filename text field to see the filename appear clearly in every photo; add 4 preset locations for the filename text field to appear; and, add batching capability?

  4. Great script. Is there a way to automate the “insert” button so that the script can work in a batch process? Thanks.

  5. Great script. Is there a way to update it so that the insert button defaults to yes? That was it could be used in a batch process.

  6. Perfect script! I add it in long Action, change default settings, but can’t go away. I need to press Enter every 10 sec. What needs to be changed in it so as not to press Enter every time?

  7. Thanks!! It works well on Mac. I wanna align the text(filename) to right. What do I have to change?

  8. Wonderful script. Very helpful!

    Like others, I would love to be able to run this in a batch action and walk away, so a way to skip the dialogue altogether and just run with the default preferences would be amazing. For now, I’m getting around this by using a crude mouse clicker app.

    The other thing I would love to be able to do is change the font color so that I can output it as white instead of black. Either that or make it so that the script uses whatever the current foreground color is for the font. I’m new to scripting so I’m not sure how to alter your script to do this yet.

  9. Is it possible to edit the script in a way so the popup never appears and selects 25px; no path; no extension as default?

  10. Below is a modification of the original script (C) TS Insert FileName.jsx

    Open the original script with Notepad and replace with the script below

    // Insert FileName – Adobe Photoshop Script
    // Description: creates a text layer with the current FileName as text.
    // Options include:
    // 1. include path to the current file
    // 2. include file extension
    // 3. size of font in pixel
    // Requirements: Adobe Photoshop CS3, or higher
    // Version: 0.0.1 – 06/Apr/2015
    // Author: Anil Tejwani (
    // Website:
    // ============================================================================
    // Installation:
    // 1. Place script in:
    // PC(32): C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS#\Presets\Scripts\
    // PC(64): C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS# (64 Bit)\Presets\Scripts\
    // 2. Restart Photoshop
    // 3. Choose File > Scripts > TS Insert FileName
    // ============================================================================

    // Enable double-clicking from Mac Finder or Windows Explorer
    #target photoshop

    // Bring application forward for double-click events

    if (documents.length > 0) {
    prefs = setPreferences();
    } else {
    alert(“ERROR!!!!!\nSeems we don’t have any file open. \nNothing to do. 🙂 \nOpen a file and try again.”)

    function setPreferences() {
    var prefs = new Object();
    prefs.textFromBottom = 20;
    prefs.startOffsetFromLeft = 20;
    prefs.fontSize = ’18px’; // Change font size to 18px
    /* EDIT ENDS HERE */
    prefs.incPath = false;
    prefs.incExt = false;
    prefs.originalDialogMode = app.displayDialogs;
    prefs.originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
    app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.ERROR;
    preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
    return prefs;

    function process() {
    var origDoc = activeDocument;
    var fullName =;
    if (!prefs.incExt) {
    fullName = fullName.replace(/(?:\.[^.]*$|$)/, ”);
    if (prefs.incPath) {
    fullName = origDoc.path.toString() + ” :: ” + fullName;
    var myLayerRef = origDoc.artLayers.add();
    myLayerRef.kind = LayerKind.TEXT; = fullName;
    var myTextRef = myLayerRef.textItem;
    myTextRef.position = new Array(prefs.startOffsetFromLeft, origDoc.height – prefs.textFromBottom);
    myTextRef.size = prefs.fontSize;
    myTextRef.contents =;

    function main() {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
    /* An error occurred. Restore ruler units, then propagate the error back to the user */
    preferences.rulerUnits = prefs.originalRulerUnits;
    app.displayDialogs = prefs.originalDialogMode;
    throw e;

  11. Thank you, it worked like a charm
    I used it as part of a script that I wrote
    If you ever write a new one that excludes the path name it would be even better

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